Despite a swathe of council tax rises proposed by Lib Dem run Somerset Council and many of their Town council counterparts (some more than doubling the tax!), massive cuts are still proposed to the services that they provide the residents of Somerset. One that is causing much concern is the closure of recycling centres. Castle Cary (Dimmer) Recycling Centre is on the chopping block and local Conservative MP candidate Faye Purbrick is arguing against the cut.
“Closure of such a key facility for the community seems madness. If residents can’t take their waste to their local centre, more and more things that could easily be recycled are bound to end up in black bins. The council will need to dispose of that waste which will cost more, alongside more trips by rubbish lorries as they fill more quickly with items that should be recycled, not scrapped.”
“This is before you even start thinking about the inevitable increase in fly-tipping, which will disproportionately effect our rural communities and cost the council more to clear and dispose of”.
Local councillor, representing the Wincanton and Bruton ward, Tom Power added: “I have never been contacted by so many residents about the same issue. Many are concerned, some are angry. I hear comments like, ‘we are encouraged to recycle our rubbish and garden waste and now we having to possibly drive miles across Somerset to do so, it’s completely shameful.’ Tom continues, “fly-tipping is a real concern, people are worried that it will just be left and not a priority for the council, I really hope they see sense and reverse this cut.”
Faye has launched a local survey. Tell her your concerns, are you against the closure and Lib Dem cuts? Have your say so we can deliver the message that this cut is the wrong choice.